Liquid and Dry Freight Shipping Services
Don’t let the name fool you. We pull anything. Whether you need liquid or dry freight hauled, Liquid Box, Inc. hauls shipments to 48 states. Our flexible shipping and packing methods and our understanding of the entire shipping process help ensure your freight arrives where it needs to be and on time every time. Continue reading below or contact us to learn more.
Intermodal Transportation
Our team works with the railway system to streamline the shipping process for your freight, ensuring your shipments arrive consistently on time every time. Our experienced professionals understand the complexities of moving your product and take the proper precautions necessary to prevent leaks and product loss along the way, whether it’s on the road or on the rails.

Liquid & Dry Freight
Liquid Box, Inc. transports both liquid and dry freight to 48 states. Our flexi tank service is the best in the U.S., as we continually work to improve our packaging handling processes. We haul both cargo for industrial and commercial purposes including water, wine, food additives, cleaning supplies and more. If you need it hauled, we can get the job done.

Legal/Overweight Hauling
We specialize in hauling legal and overweight containers. With triaxle 20’ and 40’ chassis available, we can haul almost anything you can dream up. Our extensive experience in shipping ensures your overweight freight arrives on time and safely every time. Trust us with all of your overweight shipping needs.

Local/Long Distance Hauling
Whether you need your product shipped across town or across the country, we’ve got you covered. With ISO tanks, tanker chassis and tri-axle chassis available, we will transport your liquid and dry freight safely to their destinations. For reliable and prompt shipping, look no further; contact Liquid Box, Inc.